

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mothers Day

Mothers day was great and I got what I have been wanting for a while now, a Bosch mixer, which is actually my birthday and mothers day gift combined but well worth it. So of course I had to try it out and was asked to make rolls for our mothers day dinner at Justin's parents house. They turned out great and I am turning into a cook, I hope. Braxton loved them so much he ate two on the way home, a 15 min. drive, and then the next day when he saw the bowl asked for more. For mothers day we had church, the priesthood all sang and Justin even went up, I was so pleased! Then I got to teach the Relief Society lesson on the prophets. For dinner we were lucky enough to spend time at the Jensen home for a great dinner and company. All in all a good day.

Another great thing is Braxton has figured out how to jump with his feet actually leaving the floor, it is the cutest thing to watch so I videoed it, only I did not realize that I can not change the orientation of the video so you will have to tilt your head.

And because he is so cute a picture of him jumping, I just love this one.


  1. YAY! I'm so glad you have a blog now! And i'm even mentioned on it!:) I can't believe how big Braxton is getting! I haven't seen him since he was just a baby! We need to get together sometime! Love you guys!

  2. Yay! I am also very excited you have a blog now! Braxton is such a cutie! I can't believe he is two already! It was good to catch up on some pictures and to see what you have been up to.

  3. cute cute! and hooray for homemade rolls :)


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